2 min read How to Add a Service on the microloop Website

In order to offer a service, you must be registered on the website as a seller, not as a buyer.
If you are a buyer, you can switch to a seller by following the steps in the following article:
Steps to offer your services on the microloop platform:
1. After logging in to your account, click on your profile picture.
2. Click on "Seller Dashboard."
3. You will be directed straight to your seller dashboard.
4. You will find the "Create a New Service" button; click on it.
5. You will be directed to the page to input service information.
6. Write the service title and select the category specific to your service from the categories provided.
7. Write a detailed description of your service and what you will provide in exchange for the service price.
8. Write tags for the service; you can write up to 5 tags.
9. In the SEO section, write the title of the service and the description you want to appear in the Google search engine.
10. Here you can add some questions and answers specific to your service to make it easier for the buyer to understand what you offer in exchange for the commission.
11. When you go to the next page, you will be able to specify the service price and choose the delivery time.
12. You can also add service upgrades by clicking on "ADD Service Upgrade."
13. Write the title of the service upgrade and specify the price to be added to the cost of the basic service, along with the time it will take to complete the upgrade and how much it will increase the delivery time of the basic service.
14. Upon moving to the next page, you can add the requirements or information you need from the buyer to start executing the service.
*You must add at least one requirement by clicking on "Add Requirement."
15. Afterward, you will be directed to the service gallery page, where you can upload images related to the service. Additionally, you can upload a video by clicking on the "Add a video" button.
You can also upload a file specific to the service (in PDF format only).
What type of images are accepted in the service gallery?
You can upload images in JPG, PNG, and JPEG formats.
16. After that, click on "SAVE & CONTINUE".
The service will be sent for review by the administration and will be published on the platform once the review is complete.
Read also: What are the terms for accepting a service on the microloop platform?